Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Back where we started.

My parents pointed out to me over dinner this evening that I hadn't posted on the blog yet, so here goes. And there is news to report - non-vital news perhaps, but news nevertheless.

Today we held our second pay-what-you-can performances in places where people know us and are willing to support our wild endeavors. It was a homecoming in some way or another for all of us - some of us still live here, and all the rest used to. Oh, Walla Walla. It was also our first outdoor show, which offered all sorts of new challenges, such as mud. And a good-sized gazebo.

Thank you to everyone for your extremely generous support and hospitality - it's very gratifying and it certainly keeps us in good spirits. Tomorrow we begin the great journey across the country to Ottawa, Land Before Time-style, and it should be quite a journey indeed. Off we go, then.

1 comment:

Greg Lehman said...

OK. I'm a geezer and have never done the blog thing. I left my comments under "First Performance". Still need and answer though on the IDs for the photos I shot for Whitman. Please see those comments and answer me at lehmanphotography@yahoo.com. Thanks. You guys were great! Greg Lehman