Thursday, June 12, 2008

First Performance!

We had our preview today in Portland at PerformanceWorks Northwest, and we could not have asked for a better send-off. Our friends were there in full force; in fact we had to add seats to fit everyone that showed up. Needless to say we were more than pleased with the support, and thankfully the show went very well. We're all quite excited for Abbotsford this weekend, which is the first stop on our official tour. If you happen to be in the area, do come see us, and if you happen to live in the area, feel free to offer us food. Thanks again to everyone that showed up tonight, I hope it's not the last time I get to perform for such a wonderful community.


1 comment:

Greg Lehman said...

Hey, Witties. Whatever, hey. Loved your performance yesterday in Pioneer Park. I laughed, I cried, I suspended disbelief now and again.
I shot photos for Whitman College (my job) and don't know the faces to go with the names I have for three of you ladies. I know Madam, Sly and Butler - Please fill in the blanks for me:
Who's Preggers? Who's Redhead? And who's 'Regular'? Help me out so we can get ID's with the shots.
I'll see if I can get permission from the Powers That Be to send you a disk of the photos. Go break some legs. Greg Lehman, Whitty Photog